- Harry Potter Snitch Necklace
- Harry Potter Golden Snitch Images
- Harry Potter Little Snitch Candy
- Harry Potter Snitch Lamp
Some of this was covered in Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. In the book /podcast, Harry has a nice little rant about how stupid the points system is. As for the brooms, the same wealth-related advantage exists in most sports that use equipment. In the 2008 summer Olympics we saw some debate over the high-tech swim suits. In the fourteenth compartment, Harry still sat across from Luna, and Snitch was still nestled in her lap. They were joined later by a first year named Nigel Wisner, who had tried to pet Snitch. She clawed him and jumped back onto Harry's lap. The boy then fled down the corridor clenching his hand (thought it wasn't bleeding). In the fourteenth compartment, Harry still sat across from Luna, and Snitch was still nestled in her lap. They were joined later by a first year named Nigel Wisner, who had tried to pet Snitch. She clawed him and jumped back onto Harry's lap. The boy then fled down the corridor clenching his hand (thought it wasn't bleeding).
Look up snitch in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Snitch may refer to:
Arts, entertainment, and media
Fictional character or object
- Golden Snitch or Snitch, a ball in Quidditch in the Harry Potter series
- Snitch (film), a 2013 American crime drama
- Witness Insecurity or Snitch, a 2011 thriller
- Monument Ave. or Snitch, a 1998 thriller film
- 'Snitch' (song), a song by Obie Trice
- Snitch Newsweekly, a United States newspaper centered on reporting crime
- 'Snitch', an episode of Tower Prep
People with the surname
- Steve Snitch (born 1983), English rugby league footballer
See also
- Little Snitch, a software firewall for Mac OS X
My Little Snitch Ch4
Thetrain's whistle signaled their departure from the station. Studentscould be heard shouting goodbyes to their families out the window ofthe moving train. In the fourteenth compartment, Harry still satacross from Luna, and Snitch was still nestled in her lap. They werejoined later by a first year named Nigel Wisner, who had tried to petSnitch. She clawed him and jumped back onto Harry's lap. The boythen fled down the corridor clenching his hand (thought it wasn'tbleeding).
'Snitch!What did you do that for?'
Shejust nibbled at his shirt a bit then licked her paw, clearly notinterested in being scolded.
'Oh,you shouldn't scold her. She was only being honest. She obviouslydidn't' like that boy.'
'AndI suppose if you had claws you would go around scratching anyone youdidn't like,' Harry asked humorously.
'Ofcourse not. I just tell them I don't like them, or that I wish forthem to go away. I told Professor Snape that I didn't much care forhim once, but he removed twenty points from Ravenclaw.'
Harry Potter Snitch Necklace
Harryhad to laugh at that image.
'Heremoved ten more that week because I told him he had four grey hairson the back of his head.'
Harrylaughed so hard that he doubled over breathlessly. 'That is toofunny! She should have been in Gryffindor… I wish she were…what?'
'What'sall the laughing about?'
'Ohhello Ronald.'
'HiLuna… Harry! How've you been?'
'Fine,you?' Harry was a bit disappointed that Ron had interrupted hisconversation with Luna… but he was nonetheless pleased to see him.
'Allright… is that Snitch?'
Snitchwas still grooming herself, wiping her face clean. It seemed that shewasn't too interested in Ron either.
Ronsat down beside Harry and extended a hand to pat her head. Sheallowed him, but groomed the place he had touched more feverously.
'Shedoesn't much like me hu?'
'Ifshe hadn't like you Ronald, she would have scratched you. I believeshe's just in a foul mood,' said Luna.
Harrygently picked Snitch up and cradled her small back in his hands. Shemewed a little and touched her nose with his.
'Youjust don't like all this moving about, do you?'
Shenuzzled her face against his. Harry got the 'thanks forunderstanding' message.
Heheld her up to his chest and she cuddled into his arm.
Harrynoticed that that Ron was giving him a strange smile.
'What?'Harry asked half curious and half annoyed.
'Thefamous powerful wizard Harry Potter cuddles his ickle kitty cat.That's so cute.'
Becausehe had nothing to through at Ron's head at the moment, he settledfor trying to kick him.
Ronlaughed and dogged his leg. He said something about having to doprefects rounds and bolted from the compartment.

Harrylooked at Luna, still smiling from the comical ordeal with Ron, tofind that she was staring at the arm that was cradling Snitch (ormore specifically, his wrist).
Shelooked contemplative for a moment, before smiling broadly.
'You'rewearing the watch I made you.'
Harrylooked a bit embarrassed. He had forgotten he was wearing it.
'Er…yeah, thank you… it's nice.'
'I'mvery pleased that you like it.'
Harrywanted to thank her for the letter that she had sent him (which wasfolded up in his pocket) but he would feel silly for doing so.
…Then again… was anything really silly around Luna?
'Thanksfor the letter as well… it… it helped.'
Lunalooked baffled for a moment before realization dawned on her.
'Oh!You mean the one about the snorkacks? Why yes! Snorkacks are quitehelpful, especially to grapefruits.'
'Well…I meant the bit about my godfather. I… grapefruit?'
'Yes,of course.'
Itdidn't seem to Harry that Luna was going to explain the connectionbetween snorkacks and grapefruit. Harry wasn't entirely sure hewanted to press the subject.
'Well,you're always welcome… but you should really be thanking thesnorkacks.'
'Ohyeah. Next time you see one, thank it for me.'
'Icertainly will. I do hope I see one soon.'
ThoughLuna looked very contemplative, Harry couldn't help but smile atthe silliness of the conversation. It seemed that Harry had beensmiling a lot lately… mostly around Snitch and Luna. The onlydifference is that Luna doesn't curl up in his lap…
Theduration of the train ride had been uneventful… save for a fewvisits from Hermione, Neville, and Ginny. They had all reached out toSnitch, who had seemed to be more docile once she had taken a nap.
Harrystepped off of the train with Snitch still resting on his shoulderand Luna standing just behind him. They easily found a coach, thoughthey didn't board it until Luna had had a full one-sidedconversation with the threshals pulling it. Ginny and Hermione soonjoined them. Hermione happened to be carrying Crookshanks, who hadimmediately set her eyes on Snitch. Harry noticed that Snitch wasyowling and burying her face into his shoulder. She was obviouslyscarred of the much larger cat.
'Comeon… it's okay… Crookshank's won't eat you.' Harry saidthis in the most calming voice he could muster. This earned him anexaggerated 'aaaawww' from Ginny.
Whenhe was sure Snitch had calmed down, and Hermione had restrained theoverly large monstrosity of a curious feline, he relaxed in the seatand tried to begin a conversation with the three girls.
'Soo...what happened to Ron?'
'Well,Hagrid wasn't there to bring in the first years. ApparentlyProfessor McGonagall asked him to bring them into the castle. Sheprobably didn't want to scare the life out of them by asking filchto do it. I would have gone with him… but Crookshanks hates water.She won't cross the lake, even in a boat.'
Harrywasn't sure whether Snitch hated water or not… he had only everwashed her with a damp cloth.
Harry Potter Golden Snitch Images
'Well…where's Hagrid then?'
Asif to answer his question… a tree 'fell' down in the forest.
Harryand Hermione gave each other knowing looks. 'Grawp.'

Whenthey entered Hogwarts, Hermione had gone off to have Crookshanksbrought up to the common room. Harry, however, couldn't bringhimself to leave Snitch with a bunch of house-elves. Familiars aren'tallowed in the great hall during meals (other than owls of course).
Inorder to solve this, he gave Snitch a little kiss on the nose and puther in a large pocket of his school robe. She didn't protest any…and he silently prayed that she wouldn't make any noise during thefeast. He walked as carefully as he could to the Gryffindor table.
'Iwill see you soon Harry. It has been lovely talking to you… where'sSnitch?'
Harryleaned over to Luna, who was still following behind him andwhispered, 'She's in my pocket. I didn't want to leave heralone.'
'Oh,I see. I suppose it's nice and comfortable under your robes. Goodevening.'
Harry Potter Little Snitch Candy
Lunaturned around and headed to the Ravenclaw table, away from a blushingHarry.
Harry Potter Snitch Lamp
Harrywas so embarrassed, in fact, that he had accidentally sat down...forgetting that Snitch was in his pocket. She screeched loudly… andeveryone in the hall had their eyes locked on Harry.