Mac Boot Camp Disk Cannot Be Partitioned

  1. Mac Boot Camp Disk Cannot Be Partitioned Safe
  2. Mac Boot Camp Disk Cannot Be Partitioned Free

Aug 23, 2011  When your Mac boots up, hold down the Option key until you see the selections, then click your Macintosh HD (or whatever you named it). Is this a legit Windows disk or did you make it yourself? If you made it yourself, it may be a bad burn. Go back to the BootCamp Assistant and delete the partition you made, then try again. The startup disk cannot be partitioned or restored to a single partition. The startup disk must be formatted as as single Mac OS Extended (Journaled) volume or already partitioned by Boot Camp Assistant for installing Windows.

I've just swapped a new 320GB harddisk in my machine, cloned from an existing leopard partition. When I try and run BootCamp Assistant, it tells me:

The startup disk cannot be partitioned or restored to a single partition.
Back up the disk and use Disk Utility to format it as a single Mac OS Extended (Journaled) volume. Restore your information to the disk and try using Boot Camp Assistant again.

Mac Boot Camp Disk Cannot Be Partitioned Safe

According to disk utility, my hard disk has a single 298GB Mac OS Extended (Journaled) partition, with 215GB free.
Mac Boot Camp Disk Cannot Be Partitioned

Mac Boot Camp Disk Cannot Be Partitioned Free

Any suggestions why BootCamp is complaining?