We're excited to announce the Alan Walker, K-391 and Ahrix ‘End of Time’ remix talent search. Get involved shaping the final track ...

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Alan Walker, K-391 & Ahrix Celebrating Bedroom Producers Everywhere

What's happening?
Starting on March 14 the AW/K-391/Ahrix team chose the best demos to find 15 contestants to collaborate, in real-time, on each step of the creative process making a remix from their own bedroom producer studios. Finalists will split up into five separate teams of three, with each trio responsible for a different part of the remix: drums, lead, bass, chords and finalizing. Start here.
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Bedroom producers!
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The FL Studio team is proud to have played its part in the home music revolution. Many of today's top music artsts, including Alan Walker and K-391, started out using FL Studio in their bedroom studios. Why not start your own journey too? You can download FL Studio and use the trial for an unlimited time. Export audio and video.
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