- Reloop Mixage Interface Edition Traktor Pro 2 Download
- Reloop Mixage Interface Edition Traktor Pro 2 11 1 Update
- Reloop Mixage Interface Edition Traktor Pro 2 Crack
- Reloop Mixage Interface Edition Traktor Pro 2 Software
- Reloop Mixage Interface Edition
May 10, 2011 The Mixage is a brand new compact, budget DJ Midi controller which is reviewed here in its interface edition (ie with a built-in sound interface), but which is also available in a controller edition for those who already have or wish to use an external sound card. Integrated multi-channel audio interface. Reloop Mixage can be transported easily due to the compact shape and carried effortlessly in every gig bag. This slick controller is characterized by a plain user interface; everybody will quickly get along well with it.
Reloop Mixage Interface Edition Traktor Pro 2 Download
New Reloop Mixage controllerist mapping (Traktor PRO 2)
Advanced (Single) FX changes:
FX SEL: FX selection
FX SEL + DRY/WET KNOB: rotary FX selection
FX SEL + TRANSPORT BUTTON 1: delay selection
FX SEL + TRANSPORT BUTTON 2: reverb selection
FX SEL + TRANSPORT BUTTON 3: flanger selection
FX SEL + TRANSPORT BUTTON 4: gater selection
FX SEL + TRANSPORT BUTTON 5 (DECK 2): beatmasher selection
FX SEL + TRANSPORT BUTTON 6 (DECK 2): reverb t3 selection
FX SEL + TRANSPORT BUTTON 7 (DECK 2): digital lo fi selection
FX SEL + TRANSPORT BUTTON 8 (DECK 2): beat slicer selection
FX ON: turns FX on
JOG TOUCH: turns FX on
JOG TOUCH (MOVE): controls rate of FX (Parameter 3)
JOG TOUCH + LINE FADER: controls FX parameter 1
JOG TOUCH + PITCH FADER: controls FX parameter 2
JOG TOUCH + LOOP KNOB: controls all parameters simultaneously
JOG TOUCH + FX ON: FX parameter reset
FX SEL + FX ON: switches to group FX
SHIFT + TEMPO BUTTON MINUS: toggle for FX unit 1
SHIFT + TEMPO BUTTON PLUS: toggle for FX unit 2
FX/FILTER KNOB: dedicated filter knob
Group FX changes:
FX SEL + TRANSPORT BUTTON 1: gater + reverb + formant filter
FX SEL + TRANSPORT BUTTON 2: beat slicer + formant filter + delay
FX SEL + TRANSPORT BUTTON 3: beatmasher + phaser flux + filter: 92
FX SEL + TRANSPORT BUTTON 4: reverb + filter LFO + gater
FX SEL + TRANSPORT BUTTON 5: delay + reverb + flanger
FX SEL + TRANSPORT BUTTON 6: beatmasher + delay + reverb t3
FX SEL + TRANSPORT BUTTON 7: ramp delay + phaser + ice reverb
FX SEL + TRANSPORT BUTTON 8: beatmasher + filter + flanger pulse
FX ON BUTTON: turns group FX on
JOG TOUCH: turns group FX on
JOG TOUCH (MOVE): controls FX 1 amount
JOG TOUCH + LINE FADER: controls FX 2 amount
JOG TOUCH + PITCH FADER: controls FX 3 amount
JOG TOUCH + LOOP KNOB: controls all FX amount simultaneously
FX SEL + FX ON: switches to single FX
SHIFT + TEMPO BUTTON MINUS: toggle for FX unit 1 (deck 1 and 2)
SHIFT + TEMPO BUTTON PLUS: toggle for FX unit 2 (deck 1 and 2)
FX/FILTER KNOB: dedicated filter knob
Looping changes:
RELOOP BUTTON: sets a 4 beat loop anytime
LOOP BUTTON: sets auto loop according to loop size selection
Tempo changes:
SHIFT + JOG (MOVE/NUDGE): increases or decreases tempo in 1/100 precision

Reloop Mixage Interface Edition Traktor Pro 2 11 1 Update

Reloop Mixage Interface Edition Traktor Pro 2 Crack
Hotcue changes:
SHIFT + HOTCUE BUTTON: assigns and retriggers hotcue selection
SHIFT + SEEK SEARCH BUTTON + HOTCUE BUTTON: deletes hotcue selection from (1-4)
Reloop Mixage Interface Edition Traktor Pro 2 Software
LED changes:
LOAD BUTTON: lights up when track is loaded, engages beat phase when play button is engaged
Removed the rotary EQ kills since NI has not fixed the issue yet. Just put your mixer to NUO mode to kill -30db.
Reloop Mixage Interface Edition
Hey guys,
I'm completely new to the traktor mapping thing (I've been using Virtual DJ before) and I don't understand a single bit of it. I recently bought a new midicontroller (Reloop Mixage Interface Edition) and I really like every bit of it, except the fact that it lacks a decent beat-/loop jump function.
So I was wondering if one of you can tell me step by step how to map this controller how I want it to work in Traktor.
It's just about these buttons/knobs:
traktor mapping.png
I want it to function like this:
- As I never use the - and + buttons on the upright corner, I want them to control the length of the loop;
- The beat move function should replace the '- length +' function, as that is taken over by the - and + buttons, so I don't need to press shift to beat move;
- I want the beat move knob to jump the same amount of beats as the loop length indicator is showing;
- When pressing shift I want the knob to move the active loop the same amount of beats as the loop length indicator is showing
With this I hope to be able to navigate through a track the same way as with thenavigation section on the Traktor S4..
I hope there's a Traktor mapping Guru somewhere around here who can help me out. I use Traktor Pro 2.5.0.
If you need any more info please tell me. I can send you the TSI file I use now and give you any info you need.
If you get it to function like I want, a reward for the effort is discussable
Thanks in advance!